Who Is The Male Version Of You?
Who Is The Male Version Of You?
Which male celebrity is just like you?
How do you usually handle drama?

- I confront it head on
- I try to avoid it
- I'm not sure
Would you say your more wild or calm?

- I'm a wild person
- I'm pretty calm
- A bit of both
What do you love most about yourself?

- My brain
- My sense of humor
- My sensitive soul
- My good looks
- Other
Do you have any tattoos?

What quality do you love in a man?

- Passion
- Charisma
- Sensitivity
- Humor
- Intelligence
- Other
What is your dream?

- To explore the world
- To succeed
- To find true love
- To be happy
- I'm not sure/other
What's your sense of style like?

- Vintage
- Sporty
- Classy
- Laid back
- Unique
What's your greatest passion?

- Art
- Music
- Education
- Sports
- Other
Would you say you're sensitive?

You're more of an: