How Much Of A Housewife Are You?
f41231a How Much Of A Housewife Are You? How Much Of A Housewife Are You? Do you love to work around the house?

Which chore do you enjoy the most?

Which chore do you enjoy the most?
  • Laundry
  • Cooking
  • Making the bed
  • Sweeping
  • I don't mind any of them

Do you like to cook?

Do you like to cook?
  • Yes, I like cooking everything
  • Not really but I will cook
  • No I don't like it

What type of food can you make?

What type of food can you make?
  • Basically anything
  • Pies and cookies and all types of sweets
  • Almost anything if I have a cookbook
  • Cereal and soup

When you're married(if not already), what kind of job would you like to have?

When you're married(if not already), what kind of job would you like to have?
  • I wouldn't want to work after marriage
  • Work from home
  • Oh a normal job like a waitress at full time
  • A business/career woman
  • Maybe only a part time job

Can you clean well? How is your living space at home?

Can you clean well? How is your living space at home?
  • I can but it's not as organized as I'd like
  • I clean well. My living space is miraculous
  • I can clean pretty well
  • I'm not very good at cleaning
  • I almost never clean

Do you get along well with your parents?

Do you get along well with your parents?
  • Of course
  • Not really
  • Not at all

If you don't already, would you like children of your own?

If you don't already, would you like children of your own?
  • Yes I would love some
  • Maybe but I'm unsure
  • No I don't

Do you want any pets?

Do you want any pets?
  • I already own a lot
  • Maybe just a cat
  • Maybe a fish or hamster
  • No I don't

What are your hobbies?

What are your hobbies?
  • Drawing, photography, lots of artsy stuff
  • Knitting, sewing, scrapbooks, etc
  • Watching tv
  • Other

What type of house do you want?

What type of house do you want?
  • An apartment in the city
  • A sprawling mansion
  • A nice beach home
  • A nice little home in a suburb
  • I'm not sure