Which American Saint Are You?
f643d62 Which American Saint Are You? Which American Saint Are You? The Catholic Church has existed in the United States since the beginning of the countries history. Since then, many individuals have been granted sainthood. Do you know which American saint you are most like? Take this quiz and find out!

How do you most often get around town?

How do you most often get around town?
  • On foot
  • By car
  • By bike
  • By bus
  • By train

Without considering money, what is your dream job?

Without considering money, what is your dream job?
  • Lawyer
  • CEO
  • Nurse
  • Writer
  • Teacher
  • Other

What would you do if you won the lottery?

What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Move to the country
  • Travel the world
  • Help the poor
  • Give it away
  • Buy an island
  • Other

When it comes to food, do you most often crave savory or sweet?

When it comes to food, do you most often crave savory or sweet?
  • Savory
  • Sweet
  • Both

Which genre of film is most appealing to you?

Which genre of film is most appealing to you?
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Animation
  • Documentary
  • Action
  • Other

What do you typically do on your day off?

What do you typically do on your day off?
  • Volunteer
  • Hang out with friends
  • Go hiking
  • Entertain family
  • Read or complete a project

Who do you think knows you the best?

Who do you think knows you the best?
  • My friends
  • My family
  • My coworkers
  • My pets
  • Myself

If you could choose one household chore to never have to do again, what would it be?

If you could choose one household chore to never have to do again, what would it be?
  • Doing the laundry
  • Vacuuming
  • Doing the dishes
  • Cooking
  • Making beds
  • Other

What is your greatest fear?

What is your greatest fear?
  • Losing a loved one
  • Never achieving success
  • Being alone
  • Not having a purpose
  • Other

When you've had a long day, how do you like to recharge?

When you've had a long day, how do you like to recharge?
  • With friends
  • By myself
  • By sleeping
  • Volunteering my time
  • In a nice long bath