What Is Your Dog Telling You?
f797db7 What Is Your Dog Telling You? What Is Your Dog Telling You? What is your dog trying to tell you through their body language?

How are your dog's ears laying most of the time?

How are your dog's ears laying most of the time?
  • Laying flat against their head
  • They're somewhat lowered but not flattened
  • They lay/stand like normal

Does your dog have a habit of following you?

Does your dog have a habit of following you?
  • It follows me all the time
  • Sometimes my dog will
  • Not really
  • It usually walks away when I approach

Are your dog's hackles usually raised around you?

Are your dog's hackles usually raised around you?
  • Quite often
  • Only if I'm too close
  • Not at all

When you arrive home, what does your dog usually do?

When you arrive home, what does your dog usually do?
  • My dog wiggles excitedly and follows me
  • My dog sniffs me and follows me for awhile
  • My dog usually hides
  • My dog barks at me from a distance

What usually happens if you put your hand in front of your dog?

What usually happens if you put your hand in front of your dog?
  • They start licking it
  • They just sniff it and walk away
  • My dog just turns its head
  • My dog gives a slight growl

What is your dog's usual response when you sit on the couch?

What is your dog's usual response when you sit on the couch?
  • My dog stays under the chair
  • My dog cuddles up to me
  • My dog stays at my feet unless I call them
  • They usually watch me from a distance

Does your dog usually listen to your commands?

Does your dog usually listen to your commands?
  • Of course
  • Only if my dog is a good mood
  • Not at all

What usually happens when you're walking your dog?

What usually happens when you're walking your dog?
  • My dog walks at my side with their ears and tail down
  • My dog walks in front of me happily
  • I can't walk my dog

Does your dog ever play with you?

Does your dog ever play with you?
  • Not at all
  • Only if they're calm
  • Of course

What usually happens if you approach your dog while they're eating?

What usually happens if you approach your dog while they're eating?
  • They usually run away
  • Looks at me and wags their tail
  • Growls and protects their food