How Much Of An Aristocrat Are You?
f8986d4 How Much Of An Aristocrat Are You? How Much Of An Aristocrat Are You? Do you consider yourself to be a member of the aristocratic elite? We’ll see about that! It’s time to find out just how much of an aristocrat you truly are!

How willing are you to train at something in order to become the best?

How willing are you to train at something in order to become the best?
  • Practice makes perfect
  • How much time is it going to take?
  • I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be the best
  • Who needs to be the best?

How would you define personal integrity?

How would you define personal integrity?
  • It's something a business must maintain in order to expand
  • It's how you present yourself to the world via fashion and grooming
  • It's putting your best foot forward no matter what
  • It's doing whatever it takes to be better than those around you

What word most closely matches your idea of power?

What word most closely matches your idea of power?
  • Strength
  • Control
  • Influence

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word money?

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word money?
  • Where?
  • Happiness
  • Power
  • Comfort

What is elegance?

What is elegance?
  • Having beautiful things
  • Behaving in a beautiful way
  • Being nice to those around you

What is the will to succeed?

What is the will to succeed?
  • The willingness to work hard
  • The willingness to pay the right people
  • Fortune and luck

Would you consider yourself to be an emotional person?

Would you consider yourself to be an emotional person?
  • Most definitely
  • Not really
  • It depends on the day

What are you eating for dinner on a Friday night?

What are you eating for dinner on a Friday night?
  • Pizza
  • 40 day aged steak
  • Chinese
  • Seafood

Sometimes you just have to......

Sometimes you just have to......
  • Let go
  • Move on
  • Pay someone to do it
  • Take a trip

How religious are you?

How religious are you?
  • Very religious
  • Somewhat religious
  • I worship money does that count?
  • Not religious