What Percentage Messy Are You?
f95ec79 What Percentage Messy Are You? What Percentage Messy Are You? They say cleanliness is next to godliness, but some of us love to throw order and caution to the wind. Do you know what percentage messy you are? Take these 10 personality quiz questions and find out!

Where do you keep your clothes?

Where do you keep your clothes?
  • Hung up or folded.
  • Some of it is hung up, some of it is on a heap on the floor.
  • It's typically strewn throughout the house.
  • It's almost always stacked in the laundry room.
  • It varies wildly

When do you wash your dishes?

When do you wash your dishes?
  • As soon as I've finished eating something.
  • Before I go to bed at night.
  • When I run out of dishes.
  • Whenever the mood strikes me.

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pets?
  • Yes, I have a few pets.
  • No, I don't have any pets.
  • I'm thinking about getting a pet

There's about a tablespoon of milk left in the jug. What do you do?

There's about a tablespoon of milk left in the jug. What do you do?
  • I put it back in the fridge.
  • I dump it down the drain.
  • I just drink it up.
  • I drink it but put the bottle back anyway.

Do you make your bed every day?

Do you make your bed every day?
  • I make it as soon as I wake up.
  • I try to make my bed sometime throughout the day.
  • Why would I, I'm just going to sleep in it again?
  • I only make my bed if I'm having company.

If you had to locate an important piece of mail, would you be able to find it?

If you had to locate an important piece of mail, would you be able to find it?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure

What's on your bathroom counter?

What's on your bathroom counter?
  • Various pill bottles, makeup, lotions, and soaps.
  • Just some hand soap and a jar of q-tips.
  • Hand soaps, lotions, toothbrushes, and more!
  • It varies by day.

How many empty shampoo and conditioner bottles are in your bathroom right now?

How many empty shampoo and conditioner bottles are in your bathroom right now?
  • Zero
  • One or two
  • Three or four
  • Too many to count

What do you do with empty water bottles?

What do you do with empty water bottles?
  • I recycle them
  • I throw them in the regular garbage
  • I leave them lying around
  • I reuse it

Can you easily find pairs of matching socks?

Can you easily find pairs of matching socks?
  • I haven't worn matching socks in years!
  • All of my socks are paired up and organized.
  • I can find a few pairs that match.
  • It's a struggle to be honest.