How Will Your Personality Change In 5 Years?
fc6de7f How Will Your Personality Change In 5 Years? How Will Your Personality Change In 5 Years? No one stays the same forever, but how exactly will your personality change in the next five years? It's time to find out! Embark on this personality quiz and discover exactly how your personality will change in the future!

Which of the following activities is closest to the top of your bucket list?

Which of the following activities is closest to the top of your bucket list?
  • Running for public office
  • Swimming with dolphins
  • Visiting Europe
  • Bungee jumping
  • Eating at the world's best restaurant

How often do you watch or read the news?

How often do you watch or read the news?
  • All the time
  • Every now and then
  • Almost never

Are you more of an indoor or outdoor person?

Are you more of an indoor or outdoor person?
  • I'm more of an indoor person
  • I'm more of an outdoor person
  • It depends on the day

How rebellious are you?

How rebellious are you?
  • I never break the rules
  • I always break the rules
  • I break the rules when necessary

Which of these famous people do you admire most?

Which of these famous people do you admire most?
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Anderson Cooper
  • George Clooney
  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • Bob Dylan

Do you consider yourself to be artistic?

Do you consider yourself to be artistic?
  • I believe I'm very artistic
  • I think I'm somewhat artistic
  • I'm not really artistic at all

How often do you eat out?

How often do you eat out?
  • All the time
  • Part of the time
  • Rarely or never

Which of the following skills is your strongest?

Which of the following skills is your strongest?
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Writing

You're least likely to be found where?

You're least likely to be found where?
  • The gym
  • A home improvement store
  • A book store
  • A grocery store
  • A clothing store

What sounds like a perfect Sunday activity?

What sounds like a perfect Sunday activity?
  • Going to brunch
  • Sleeping in
  • Going for a jog
  • Picnic in the park
  • Hanging with family