What Are You Most Likely To Be Addicted To?
What Are You Most Likely To Be Addicted To?
What will you keep coming to?
Do you have an addictive personality?

- Of course
- I'm not sure
- No I don't
Do you have any sinful habits?

- Doesn't everyone?
- I don't think so
- No I don't
Do you get stressed easily?

- Yes I do
- It depends
- No I don't
Do you ever participate in activities you know will bring you guilt?

- Of course
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Do you have a bad habit that you partake in while stressed?

- Yes I do
- I don't think so
- No I don't
Do you use any recreational drugs?

Is your habit hard to quit?

- Very hard
- It's a bit difficult
- No it's not
Does your habit have any ill effect on your outer appearance?

- Yes it does
- It does after a length of time
- No it doesn't
How many stimulants do you have a day?

- None
- One or two
- Three or four
- Five or six
- Seven or more
Does your habit control your life?

- Yes it does
- It does a bit
- No it doesn't