How Old Do You Really Behave?
fd05705 How Old Do You Really Behave? How Old Do You Really Behave? Everyone has been told at one time or another that they may act younger or older than their age. How do you behave?

Time to go on a date! What place would you choose?

Time to go on a date! What place would you choose?
  • An amusement park
  • The movie theaters
  • I leave it up to them
  • To the mall
  • Out to a nice dinner

What would you say your sense of humor is?

What would you say your sense of humor is?
  • Immature jokes
  • Dry humor
  • Sarcastic jokes
  • I like almost every type

What can you most likely be found doing on a Friday night?

What can you most likely be found doing on a Friday night?
  • Going to a party somewhere
  • At a sleepover
  • Out drinking
  • Spending time with loved ones at home
  • Most likely sleeping

Do you usually worry what people may think about you?

Do you usually worry what people may think about you?
  • All the time
  • Not really anymore
  • I do every once in awhile
  • No, I've let it go

Does your sense of style change often?

Does your sense of style change often?
  • Yeah, I like following the trends
  • Yes because I want to figure out what I like
  • Not really
  • Hardly at all
  • Been the same for years

What do you cherish most in your life?

What do you cherish most in your life?
  • Love
  • Beauty
  • Achievements
  • Health
  • Work

Do you believe in finders keepers?

Do you believe in finders keepers?
  • Of course not!
  • Yeah, they lost it
  • It depends

How often would you say you lie?

How often would you say you lie?
  • Almost all the time
  • A few times a week
  • Rarely

In your life right now, which one is more important?

In your life right now, which one is more important?
  • Love
  • My career
  • My wellbeing

What's something you greatly desire?

What's something you greatly desire?
  • Acceptance
  • Love
  • Fame
  • Money
  • Peace