What Animal Is Your Personality?
What Animal Is Your Personality?
Which creature represents you?
How do you usually prefer to spend your day?

- On my own
- With others
- Depends on my mood that day
What do you usually act on?

Are you more likely to fight or flight?

- Fight
- Flight
- Depends on the situation
How long does it usually take you to read people?

- Instantly
- Probably a few hours
- A few days
- A few minutes
- I'm not good at reading others
Would you say you're introverted or extroverted?

- Introverted
- Extroverted
- A bit of both
Are you an adventurous person?

- Definitely
- Only with others
- I am a small bit
- Not at all
Favorite time of the day?

- Early morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
- Late at night
- Anytime is fine with me
How do you feel about people?

- I love them
- I can tolerate them
- They're okay if they don't get on my bad side
- I try to stay away from them
- I'm not sure
Which word best describes you?

- Witty
- Unique
- Lazy
- Brave
- Friendly
Which of these matter most to you?

- Myself
- My family
- My friends
- My significant other
- I'm not sure