What Kind of Temper Do You Actually Have?
What Kind of Temper Do You Actually Have?
Just how short is your fuse? Take this quiz to discover what kind of temper you actually have.
Does music have a calming effect on you?

Are others nervous to have a conversation with you?

- Yes
- I don't think so
- No
- Only if I haven't had time to eat lunch
Have you ever experienced road rage?

- Yes
- A few times
- Not Really
- I don't know
How often do you meditate?

- Daily
- Occasionally
- Rarely
- None of these
Have you ever punched the table when you are upset?

- More than once
- Maybe once or twice
- I don't think so
- I don't know
Do you ever make faces at people behind their backs?

- Yes
- Maybe once or twice
- No
- I don't know
Do you fight fair?

Do you feel better after a meal?

- Yes
- Not really
- I don't know
Has anybody ever told you that you bit their head off?

Do you find it harder to control your emotions during that certain time of the month?

- Yes
- Sometimes
- I don't think so
- I don't know