Which Asian Country Are You?
ffa0fed Which Asian Country Are You? Which Asian Country Are You? Asia is a beautiful and diverse continent filled with countries ripe for visiting and living in! Do you know which exotic Asian country suits your unique personality? Answer these 10 questions and find out!

What kind of food sounds the tastiest?

What kind of food sounds the tastiest?
  • Really fresh fish
  • Soup and sandwiches
  • Anything spicy
  • Roasted pig
  • Anything with noodles
  • Other

What's more fun: a big, bustling city or the countryside?

What's more fun: a big, bustling city or the countryside?
  • The city
  • The country
  • They're both great at times

Do you need the Internet to survive?

Do you need the Internet to survive?
  • Yes, if I can't update my social media 24/7 I feel lost
  • Not really, in fact a break would be nice
  • It depends on my mood

Are you a coffee addict or a tea connoisseur?

Are you a coffee addict or a tea connoisseur?
  • Coffee addict
  • Tea connoisseur
  • I like both

Which religion do you most identify with?

Which religion do you most identify with?
  • Christianity
  • Catholicism
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Judaism
  • I'm not religious/other

How often do you feel anxious or nervous when in the midst of a large crowd?

How often do you feel anxious or nervous when in the midst of a large crowd?
  • I hate crowds and always get anxious
  • I can get antsy from time to time
  • I love big crowds
  • It depends on my mood

Which word speaks to you the most?

Which word speaks to you the most?
  • Spiritual
  • Enchanted
  • Natural
  • Bustling
  • Peaceful
  • Other

Which of these things is most important to you?

Which of these things is most important to you?
  • Family
  • Love
  • Knowledge
  • Art
  • Money
  • Other

What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?

What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
  • Eating loads of chocolate
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Video games
  • Binge watching TV
  • Other

How athletic do you believe you are?

How athletic do you believe you are?
  • I'm very athletic
  • I'm somewhat athletic
  • I'm a total klutz