What Type Of Music Fits Your Personality?
gbWmiml What Type Of Music Fits Your Personality? What Type Of Music Fits Your Personality? What should you be listening to?

What do you usually do when you're feeling down?

What do you usually do when you're feeling down?
  • Talk to others
  • Sit alone and think
  • Create art
  • Go out and party
  • Other

Would you consider yourself a confident person?

Would you consider yourself a confident person?
  • Not at all
  • I am somewhat
  • I would say so

Everyday is:

Everyday is:
  • A gift
  • An excuse to have fun
  • Starts at midnight
  • Should be lived like it's your last
  • Is a new start

Do you consider yourself artistic at all?

Do you consider yourself artistic at all?
  • Absolutely
  • I do somewhat
  • No I don't

How do you feel about meeting new people?

How do you feel about meeting new people?
  • I love meeting new people
  • I get anxious meeting new people
  • I don't like meeting new people

Would you consider yourself an assertive person?

Would you consider yourself an assertive person?
  • Not at all
  • I can be
  • Definitely

Which one would you say you are?

Which one would you say you are?
  • Optimist
  • Pessimist
  • Realist

What do you think of the past?

What do you think of the past?
  • I've learned from it
  • It still haunts me
  • It's a bit blurred
  • It was a great time
  • I'm not sure

What would you say your best quality is?

What would you say your best quality is?
  • Independence
  • Determination
  • Calmness
  • Emotional
  • Other

Would you consider yourself a deep thinker?

Would you consider yourself a deep thinker?
  • Yes I would
  • Not really