To what extent are you honest?
To what extent are you honest?
Answer these questions and find out
You borrow your parent's car and accidentally back into another car in the parking lot. You

- tell them exactly what happened and pay for the repairs yourself
- don't say anything and hope they don't notice
- tell them you don't know what happened and start to cry
Avoiding paying the fare on public transport is...

- Never justified
- Rarely justified
- Sometimes justified
- Always justified
Driving faster than the speed limit is...

- Never justified
- Rarely justified
- Sometimes justified
- Always justified
Which of these situations would frustrate you more?
- When I tell someone the hard but honest truth and get told I'm a liar.
- When someone starts talking without thinking and they end up hurting someone's feelings.
- When someone lies to avoid a conflict.
- When someone makes a huge drama out of a white told out of necessity.
Keeping money you found in the street is...

- Never justified
- Rarely justified
- Sometimes justified
- Always justified
Your old boy/girlfriend calls and asks you out for lunch. What do you tell your current partner?
- You tell the truth
- There's nothing to tell
- that you ran into your old friend and that's all
- Nothing - and you meet the
Throwing away litter in a public place is...

- Never justified
- Rarely justified
- Sometimes justified
- Always justified
Do your friends often come to you when they have problems or for advice?

- Oh yeah. I lend everyone a shoulder to cry on.
- Only rarely. Most of the time I don't know either what they should do.
- Sometimes. I give it my best shot and try to be of help.
Making up a job application is...

- Never justified
- Rarely justified
- Sometimes justified
- Always justified
What do you appreciate most in a friend?
- When they are sincere and honest.
- When they are generous and understanding.
- When they stick to me, even if I have done a mistake.