How Much Do You Actually Like Change?
n1wPOIN How Much Do You Actually Like Change? How Much Do You Actually Like Change? Change is inevitable but how do you respond to changes?

When you usually think of change, how do you feel?

When you usually think of change, how do you feel?
  • Excited
  • Anxious
  • I'm not sure

If your work suddenly puts in a new policy, do you have a hard time getting use to it?

If your work suddenly puts in a new policy, do you have a hard time getting use to it?
  • Yes, it takes me awhile
  • I'm not a fan but I can tolerate it
  • I pick them up pretty easily

How would you feel if you had to live somewhere new and unknown?

How would you feel if you had to live somewhere new and unknown?
  • Very unsettled
  • Possibly alright with it
  • I'd be excited for it

You believe change is:

You believe change is:
  • Inevitable
  • Exciting
  • Something to avoid
  • I'm not sure

Do you have a routine that you follow daily?

Do you have a routine that you follow daily?
  • Of course
  • Not really as it changes around
  • No I don't

How do you feel when that routine is disturbed?

How do you feel when that routine is disturbed?
  • I feel anxious
  • Like my whole day is messed up now
  • Nothing really
  • Pretty happy

What do you think about people who force you to make changes?

What do you think about people who force you to make changes?
  • I hate them
  • They get on my nerves
  • They keep me on my toes
  • They bring some new excitement

Which word would a friend use to describe you best?

Which word would a friend use to describe you best?
  • Calm
  • Optimistic
  • Straightforward
  • Shy
  • Laid back

The thought of changing jobs:

The thought of changing jobs:
  • Scares me
  • Makes me uneasy
  • Makes me a little nervous
  • Makes me a bit anxious
  • Makes me excited

Do you believe people can change?

Do you believe people can change?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't
  • It depends