Who Were You In The 1980s?
osL2VAE Who Were You In The 1980s? Who Were You In The 1980s? The year is 1980 and things are quite a bit different. Which kind of personality would you have adopted back in the 80s? A punker? Perhaps a prep? Let's find out who you were in the 1980s!

If you had Saturday detention, you would:

If you had Saturday detention, you would:
  • Sit in the back and entertain myself.
  • Sulk that my dad couldn't get me out of it.
  • Bring all the attitude I could muster.
  • Make the best of the situation.
  • Catch up on my comic books.

In high school, you were more likely to be:

In high school, you were more likely to be:
  • A little snotty
  • Totally intimidating
  • Tight with the popular kids
  • Totally friendless
  • Flirting with anyone with legs

How would you deal with being bullied?

How would you deal with being bullied?
  • I would ignore it.
  • I would try to reason with the bully.
  • I would bully them back.
  • I'd tell the principal.
  • I'd switch schools.

There's a Homecoming dance. Where are you?

There's a Homecoming dance. Where are you?
  • At home in my pajamas.
  • At the movies.
  • At the dance, duh.
  • In the alley behind the dance smoking.
  • Having a sleepover.

Your yearbook moniker was....

Your yearbook moniker was....
  • Most likely to steal a car
  • Most likely to succeed
  • Most likely to be filthy rich
  • Most likely to get married young
  • Most likely to move to a city

What would you like to have most joined in high school?

What would you like to have most joined in high school?
  • Cheerleading
  • Yearbook
  • Art club
  • Athletics
  • I'm not much of a joiner...

If you were bored in class, you would:

If you were bored in class, you would:
  • File your nails.
  • Rip pages from a book.
  • Stare out the window.
  • Draw.
  • Take a nap.

What was your favorite ’80s music?

What was your favorite ’80s music?
  • AC/DC
  • Madonna
  • Duran Duran
  • Bon Jovi
  • George Michael

What's your ideal lunch?

What's your ideal lunch?
  • Sushi and soda
  • Burger and fries
  • Cold pizza and beer
  • Capri sun and a lunchables
  • Peanut butter and jelly

Which TV show would you rather watch?

Which TV show would you rather watch?
  • Family Ties
  • Murder, She Wrote
  • Cheers
  • Macgyver
  • Growing Pains