Which Monster Is Hiding Under Your Bed?
whKyOhs Which Monster Is Hiding Under Your Bed? Which Monster Is Hiding Under Your Bed? Everyone gets a little spooked by shadows but what if those shadows are hiding a monster?

Are you a fan of horror movies?

Are you a fan of horror movies?
  • Not at all
  • Somewhat
  • I love them

Which of these sounds worse to you?

Which of these sounds worse to you?
  • Spending the night in a haunted house
  • Being covered in spiders
  • Going to a circus
  • Being alone in the dark

Do you ever feel like you're being watched?

Do you ever feel like you're being watched?
  • All the time
  • Every once in awhile
  • Not usually

How easily do you get scared?

How easily do you get scared?
  • Very easily
  • Somewhat easily
  • Not easy at all
  • It depends

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Do you believe in the supernatural?
  • Absolutely
  • Not at all
  • I'm not sure

What kind of paranormal entities do you believe in?

What kind of paranormal entities do you believe in?
  • Demons
  • Ghost and spirits
  • Nothing
  • Everything

Do you usually get nightmares?

Do you usually get nightmares?
  • All the time
  • Only if I watch a horror movie
  • I don't remember my dreams
  • Not at all

Would you say you have a wild imagination?

Would you say you have a wild imagination?
  • I see things all the time
  • I've been told so but I don't think I do
  • Not really
  • No I don't

Can you handle the dark?

Can you handle the dark?
  • No I can't
  • It depends
  • Yes I can

Which of these scare you most?

Which of these scare you most?
  • Snakes
  • Clowns
  • Ghosts
  • Moving shadows