Should You Work For A Company Or Become A Freelancer?
wmLzQgh Should You Work For A Company Or Become A Freelancer? Should You Work For A Company Or Become A Freelancer? What type of job would suit you best?

Are you someone who wants to be in charge of others?

Are you someone who wants to be in charge of others?
  • Yes I do
  • Not at all

Is money extremely important to you?

Is money extremely important to you?
  • Of course
  • Not really

Do you love challenges or taking risks?

Do you love challenges or taking risks?
  • Yes I do
  • Not really

Are you in it for the money or the passion?

Are you in it for the money or the passion?
  • For the money
  • For the passion
  • For both

How much control do you want over your time and life decisions?

How much control do you want over your time and life decisions?
  • Total control
  • I would like a bit of control
  • I don't care

Do you have a mentor that pushes you and inspires you?

Do you have a mentor that pushes you and inspires you?
  • Absolutely
  • I inspire myself

What would your current boss say about you?

What would your current boss say about you?
  • Focused
  • Creative
  • Professional
  • Other

How do you feel around crowds?

How do you feel around crowds?
  • I feel nervous
  • I like being around people
  • I can tolerate it

Where would you rather work?

Where would you rather work?
  • At home
  • In an office building
  • Outdoors
  • Other

Are you an argumentative person?

Are you an argumentative person?
  • Yes I am
  • I can be
  • No I'm not