Should You Work For A Company Or Become A Freelancer?
Should You Work For A Company Or Become A Freelancer?
What type of job would suit you best?
Are you someone who wants to be in charge of others?

Is money extremely important to you?

Do you love challenges or taking risks?

Are you in it for the money or the passion?

- For the money
- For the passion
- For both
How much control do you want over your time and life decisions?

- Total control
- I would like a bit of control
- I don't care
Do you have a mentor that pushes you and inspires you?

- Absolutely
- I inspire myself
What would your current boss say about you?

- Focused
- Creative
- Professional
- Other
How do you feel around crowds?

- I feel nervous
- I like being around people
- I can tolerate it
Where would you rather work?

- At home
- In an office building
- Outdoors
- Other
Are you an argumentative person?

- Yes I am
- I can be
- No I'm not