Can We Guess What Your Pet Peeve Is?
Can We Guess What Your Pet Peeve Is?
Take this quiz, and we値l figure out what really pushes your buttons!
Choose a hobby that you are either an expert at or would love to start!

- Creative Writing
- Hiking
- Interior Design
- Yoga
- Cooking/baking
Pick a color.

- Deep blue
- Lemon yellow
- Pale purple
Which of the following character types are you in your friend group?

- The ambitious one
- The active one
- The cool, calm, and collected one
- The peaceful one
- The optimist
What type of dreams do you have most frequently?

- Flying dreams
- Up-in-the-clouds dreams
- Realistic dreams
- Travel dreams
- Ruling the world dreams
How many hours of sleep do you get on weekday nights?

- Less than 6
- 6-9
- More than 9
Pick the prettiest flower!

- Pink Rose
- White Gardenia
- Yellow Tulip
- Orange Peony
What is your biggest fear?

- Heights
- Spiders
- The Dark
- Public Speaking
What mode of transportation do you enjoy the most?

- Walking
- Bicycling
- Driving a personal vehicle
- Taking public transportation
What is your favorite movie genre?

- Drama
- Romance
- Romantic Comedy
- Suspense/Horror
What quality is most important to you in a significant other?

- Funny
- Understanding
- Organized
- Adventurous
- Ambition