Can We Guess What Your Pet Peeve Is?
x3Kiuy0 Can We Guess What Your Pet Peeve Is? Can We Guess What Your Pet Peeve Is? Take this quiz, and we値l figure out what really pushes your buttons!

Choose a hobby that you are either an expert at or would love to start!

Choose a hobby that you are either an expert at or would love to start!
  • Creative Writing
  • Hiking
  • Interior Design
  • Yoga
  • Cooking/baking

Pick a color.

Pick a color.
  • Deep blue
  • Lemon yellow
  • Pale purple

Which of the following character types are you in your friend group?

Which of the following character types are you in your friend group?
  • The ambitious one
  • The active one
  • The cool, calm, and collected one
  • The peaceful one
  • The optimist

What type of dreams do you have most frequently?

What type of dreams do you have most frequently?
  • Flying dreams
  • Up-in-the-clouds dreams
  • Realistic dreams
  • Travel dreams
  • Ruling the world dreams

How many hours of sleep do you get on weekday nights?

How many hours of sleep do you get on weekday nights?
  • Less than 6
  • 6-9
  • More than 9

Pick the prettiest flower!

Pick the prettiest flower!
  • Pink Rose
  • White Gardenia
  • Yellow Tulip
  • Orange Peony

What is your biggest fear?

What is your biggest fear?
  • Heights
  • Spiders
  • The Dark
  • Public Speaking

What mode of transportation do you enjoy the most?

What mode of transportation do you enjoy the most?
  • Walking
  • Bicycling
  • Driving a personal vehicle
  • Taking public transportation

What is your favorite movie genre?

What is your favorite movie genre?
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Suspense/Horror

What quality is most important to you in a significant other?

What quality is most important to you in a significant other?
  • Funny
  • Understanding
  • Organized
  • Adventurous
  • Ambition