24adbf6Which Bible Verse Best Describes Your Life? Some people read bible verses to stay grounded and some people read just for encouragement. There are many scriptures that people can learn from. In fact, there are so many scriptures that people can relate to - that there is definitely one for everyone. Which bible verse best describes your life?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Attend church
Spend time with friends and family
Do charity work
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, I'm sure that can happen because Jesus love each and every one of us
It takes time to love someone, so I don't think so
I'm not sure
If you had the opportunity to get revenge, would you?
Never. I always forgive
I don't think so.
Maybe, I don't play when it comes to those that I love and care about
I'm not sure
If you had one wish, what would it be?
I would wish for world peace
To be happy for everyone around me
Win the lotto and help my friends and family
I would invest in my loved ones
I would spread love and donate the money to charity
Do you attend church more than once per week?
I attend church whenever I get the chance
I attend every Sunday
I attend on special holidays
I attend when I'm asked to go
Not really but I'm spirtual
Do you believe in an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?
No, I believe in forgiveness
Yes, I do.
How often do you read your bible?
Every single day
On Sundays
Whenever I'm feeling down
Whenever I have the urge to
What would you do if you saw something unfair?
I would do the right thing in that moment
I would pray about it and then based on that, react
I would assess the situation first and go from there
If it involved my family, I would speak up
How do you handle conflict?
I never have conflict
I pray about it
I deal with it, right then and there
I treat the person how they treat me
I don't like conflict and will do whatever it takes to avoid it
Would you have preferred to love and be hurt or not love at all?