Based On Your Answers We Will Tell You How You Can Improve Your Life
4c2fc18 Based On Your Answers We Will Tell You How You Can Improve Your Life Based On Your Answers We Will Tell You How You Can Improve Your Life How can your life get better?

Do you often try to guess what is going to happen at the end of a movie?

Do you often try to guess what is going to happen at the end of a movie?
  • Every time
  • Sometimes
  • No, I like the mystery

Do you feel like you know what people are thinking about you before they say anything?

Do you feel like you know what people are thinking about you before they say anything?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

Do you find yourself exaggerating when telling a story?

Do you find yourself exaggerating when telling a story?
  • Yes, because I like doing so
  • Yes, but I try not to
  • No, it ruins the story

Do you make things seem worse than they really are?

Do you make things seem worse than they really are?
  • All the time
  • Sometimes
  • No

Do you judge people before you get to know them?

Do you judge people before you get to know them?
  • Yes
  • It depends on the person
  • No, that's wrong

Is it okay to discriminate?

Is it okay to discriminate?
  • Yes
  • Never
  • It depends

Is there a right and wrong way to do things?

Is there a right and wrong way to do things?
  • Yes, there is my way and the wrong way
  • Yes, but it depends on what the thing is
  • There are multiple ways to do things

Does it annoy you when someone does something differently from the way you do it?

Does it annoy you when someone does something differently from the way you do it?
  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No

Are things never good enough for you?

Are things never good enough for you?
  • Things are never good enough
  • Things are good enough

Does it bother you when you don't get your way?

Does it bother you when you don't get your way?
  • Yes
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely