My wife is an economist and I am an engineer.
I was watching my wife make her breakfast one morning, and noticed that she made way too many trips to get each of the items she needed. So I said…
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A hunter kills and eats a bald eagle, and is arrested for violating the Endangered Species Act. He pleads guilty, and throws himself on the mercy of the court.
“Your Honor,” the hunter said, “I had no idea that it was illegal to kill and eat a bald eagle. If you let me go, I’ll never do it again.”…
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Ireland Declares War on France
The French President is sitting in his office when his telephone rings. “Hallo!” a heavily accented voice said. “This is Paddy Down at the Harp Pub in County Clare, Ireland….
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Scarlett Johansson is on a plane that crashes on a remote island.
She and some regular guy are the only two survivors. They make the best of their situation, scavenge what supplies they can from the plane, and try to keep going….
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The Italian math challenge
An Italian workman wants a job, but the foreman won’t hire him until he passes a little math test. Here’s your first question,’ the foreman said. ‘Without using numbers, represent…
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A professor, a CEO, and a janitor are in a forest when they discover a magic fairy.
The fairy says “I will give you what you most desire if you do someone else’s job for a day.” The professor says “I’ll be an elementary school teacher. What…
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A wealthy, but stingy father was trying to put a birthday party together for his 18 y/o daughter.
He wanted the party to be extravagant, but wanted to spend as little money as possible. He had finished all of the other decorations, and he was left to work…
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A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her 3rd grade class.
The boy said, “Madam, I should be in Grade 4. I am smarter than my sister & she’s in Grade 4”. The Madam had heard enough and took the boy…
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A Marine returns from duty in Iraq and is immediately reassigned to a remote location in Afghanistan
That evening he arrives at his new post; a run down mosque in the middle of nowhere. As he switches over with the marine currently stationed there, he realises there…
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Mohammad, a child of Arab parents was enrolled in a school in New York
On the first day, his teacher asked, ‘What is your name?’ The boy replied, ‘Mohammad’. From now on your name is Harry as you are in America,’ she said. In…
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