An Englishman, Welshman and a Jamaican are in hospital waiting for their wives to give birth. After much pacing up and down, the nurse emerges from the maternity ward and announces that each are the father to a bouncing baby boy.
“Unfortunately there’s just one small problem” she adds. “Because they were all born at the same time we got the tags mixed up and don’t know which baby belongs to which parent. Would you mind identifying them?”.
The three men agree and go into the delivery room to look at the babies. Immediately the Englishman picks up the black baby. “Yes, this is definitely my baby” he says confidently. “Er, excuse me” says the Jamaican “but I think it’s obvious that this is my son.” The Englishman pulls him aside and says, “I see where you’re coming from, mate, but one of these babies is Welsh and I’m not prepared to gamble”.