What Is The Most Interesting Thing About You?
51f7fe4 What Is The Most Interesting Thing About You? What Is The Most Interesting Thing About You? We all have that one thing about us that is more interesting than anything else. What is the most interesting thing about you? Take these 10 questions and find out!

You wake up with a nasty cold. What do you do?

You wake up with a nasty cold. What do you do?
  • Call the doctor
  • Go to work anyway
  • Stay in bed and watch daytime TV with my new best friend the tissue box

Which childhood dream job did you most covet?

Which childhood dream job did you most covet?
  • Actor/actress
  • Queen or president
  • Writer
  • Photographer

What do you think is the best way to get to know someone?

What do you think is the best way to get to know someone?
  • Take them out for some fun on the town
  • Ask them questions about who they are
  • Lots of time and hanging out

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

What genre of film are you most likely to want to go see in theaters?

What genre of film are you most likely to want to go see in theaters?
  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance
  • Horror
  • Documentary

You're going on a two-week trip. When do you start packing?

You're going on a two-week trip. When do you start packing?
  • The day before I leave
  • The morning I'm leaving
  • A week in advance

How do you respond to telemarketing calls?

How do you respond to telemarketing calls?
  • With rage
  • By giving them a chance
  • By picking up the phone and hanging it back up

Have you ever traced your ancestry and found something extraordinary?

Have you ever traced your ancestry and found something extraordinary?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not yet but one day

What makes the world go round?

What makes the world go round?
  • Money
  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Space stuff...

What's your idea of a fun night out on the town?

What's your idea of a fun night out on the town?
  • Lots of drinking
  • Dancing
  • Karaoke