What City Suits Your Style?
aacab78 What City Suits Your Style? What City Suits Your Style? How can your style be represented?

Would you rather be underdressed or overdressed for an occasion?

Would you rather be underdressed or overdressed for an occasion?
  • Overdressed
  • Underdressed

Would you rather wear pants or a skirt?

Would you rather wear pants or a skirt?
  • Pants
  • Skirt
  • It depends

How would you describe your sense of style?

How would you describe your sense of style?
  • Sophisticated
  • Vintage
  • Casual
  • Eccentric
  • Simple

Do you like following trends?

Do you like following trends?
  • Of course
  • Not usually
  • I start the trends

Would you rather high-heels or sneakers?

Would you rather high-heels or sneakers?
  • High-heels
  • Sneakers
  • I'm fine with either

Do you prefer bright or neutral colors?

Do you prefer bright or neutral colors?
  • Bright
  • Neutral colors

Is comfort important in your wardrobe?

Is comfort important in your wardrobe?
  • Yes it is
  • No it's not

Would you rather make a statement or blend in?

Would you rather make a statement or blend in?
  • Blend in
  • Make a statement
  • I'm not sure

Do you have a ton of black pieces in your wardrobe?

Do you have a ton of black pieces in your wardrobe?
  • Yes I do
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Do you love accessories?

Do you love accessories?
  • Of course
  • I like a few
  • No I don't