If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself, What Would It Be?
abb2312 If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself, What Would It Be? If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself, What Would It Be? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Would you change your appearance, learn a new skill, or do something else? Take this quiz to find out!

What would your friends say is your best quality?

What would your friends say is your best quality?
  • My sense of humor
  • My good looks
  • My friendly personality
  • My intelligence
  • Other

How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?

How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
  • Over an hour
  • Half an hour to an hour
  • Ten minutes to half an hour
  • Less than ten minutes

How many languages do you speak?

How many languages do you speak?
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four or more

What is your favorite card game

What is your favorite card game
  • Poker
  • Uno
  • Go Fish
  • Pokemon
  • I don't like card games

An emergency happens! What's the most you can spend to fix it?

An emergency happens! What's the most you can spend to fix it?
  • Less than $100
  • $100-500
  • $500-1000
  • $1000 or more

Which of these would you rather do in your free time?

Which of these would you rather do in your free time?
  • Read or write
  • Watch TV or play video games
  • Hang out with friends

If your life was a game show, you would be...

If your life was a game show, you would be...
  • The host
  • The player
  • An audience member

Which do you like to read more? Fiction or Non-fiction?

Which do you like to read more? Fiction or Non-fiction?
  • Fiction
  • Non-fiction
  • I don't like to read

Do you think you are attractive?

Do you think you are attractive?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends on my outfit and/or make up for the day

Which season best matches up to your personality?

Which season best matches up to your personality?
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Fall