Where Should You Have Your Honeymoon?
c7c30c9 Where Should You Have Your Honeymoon? Where Should You Have Your Honeymoon? What would be the perfect destination for you newlyweds?

Which season are you getting married in?

Which season are you getting married in?
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer

Do you want to go somewhere that's traditional?

Do you want to go somewhere that's traditional?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't
  • I'm not sure

Are you looking for adventures or relaxation on your honeymoon?

Are you looking for adventures or relaxation on your honeymoon?
  • Adventures
  • Relaxation
  • A mix of both

What’s the one thing on your honeymoon that you’re looking forward to experiencing the most?

What’s the one thing on your honeymoon that you’re looking forward to experiencing the most?
  • Local culture
  • Fine dining
  • Exciting adventures
  • Doing absolutely nothing

How much time do you want to spend traveling?

How much time do you want to spend traveling?
  • I'd like to stay somewhat local
  • I want to get away but not for days
  • I'd like to go pretty far
  • I want to go very far

Do you consider yourself spontaneous?

Do you consider yourself spontaneous?
  • Yes I would
  • I'm not sure
  • No I wouldn't

Which word best describes you?

Which word best describes you?
  • Hopeless romantic
  • Curious
  • Unique
  • Laid-back
  • Adventurous

Do you travel often?

Do you travel often?
  • Yes I do
  • Not too much
  • I rarely travel
  • I never travel

How much do you want to spend on your honeymoon?

How much do you want to spend on your honeymoon?
  • As little as possible
  • A good amount
  • As much as possible

Would you rather have your honeymoon in a more tropical place?

Would you rather have your honeymoon in a more tropical place?
  • Yes I would
  • I'm not sure
  • No I wouldn't