What Small Thing Will Make You Happy Today?
100dabe What Small Thing Will Make You Happy Today? What Small Thing Will Make You Happy Today? What will make your day?

How would you say your luck is?

How would you say your luck is?
  • It's great
  • It's good
  • It's okay
  • It's not the best

Would you consider yourself a charitable person?

Would you consider yourself a charitable person?
  • Yes I would
  • I'd like to think so
  • Not at all

Can the weather make or break your mood?

Can the weather make or break your mood?
  • Of course
  • Not at all

How do you feel about talking on the phone?

How do you feel about talking on the phone?
  • I absolutely love it
  • It's alright
  • I'm not a fan

Do you look forward to taking a shower to relax?

Do you look forward to taking a shower to relax?
  • Yes I do
  • Sometimes
  • No I don't

Do you get stressed easily?

Do you get stressed easily?
  • Yes I do
  • Sometimes I do
  • No I don't

What's your favorite time of the day?

What's your favorite time of the day?
  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening

What type of mood are you usually in?

What type of mood are you usually in?
  • Happy
  • Anxious
  • Frustrated
  • Bored
  • Sad
  • Other

Would you say you're a peaceful individual?

Would you say you're a peaceful individual?
  • No I wouldn't
  • I'm not sure
  • Yes I would

Are you happy with your life?

Are you happy with your life?
  • Yes I am
  • Not really
  • No I'm not