What’s Your Romantic Dealbreaker?
c4baf4d What’s Your Romantic Dealbreaker? What’s Your Romantic Dealbreaker? Everyone has a romantic deal breaker, do you know what yours is? It's time to find out what would put the nail in the romance coffin for you. Take these 10 questions and discover your romantic deal breaker!

What's your ideal post work location?

What's your ideal post work location?
  • Happy hour
  • The local park to decompress
  • My couch

What's your number one priority?

What's your number one priority?
  • Working out/staying fit
  • Eating all of the best foods
  • Having a successful career
  • Starting a family

What do you fear most?

What do you fear most?
  • Dying alone
  • Failing miserably
  • Losing someone close to me
  • Breaking a nail

If you could appear on any kind of reality show, which would you choose?

If you could appear on any kind of reality show, which would you choose?
  • A cooking show
  • A dating show
  • A talent show
  • A decorating show

What are you most likely having for dinner tonight?

What are you most likely having for dinner tonight?
  • A roast
  • Mac n' cheese
  • Take out
  • Pasta

What's your favorite holiday?

What's your favorite holiday?
  • Thanksgiving
  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Fourth of July

What's the most important part of keeping the spark alive?

What's the most important part of keeping the spark alive?
  • Humor
  • Excitement
  • Passion
  • Friendship

Is it important that your partner share your political beliefs?

Is it important that your partner share your political beliefs?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure

Would you stick with someone who had a crazy family?

Would you stick with someone who had a crazy family?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure

Is it important for you to feel appreciated?

Is it important for you to feel appreciated?
  • Absolutely
  • Not really
  • A little appreciation would be nice